Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS)

Overview of ARMHS Housingcare Inc provides Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services( ARMHS) designed to help adults with serious mental illness develop and enhance their psychiatric stability, social competencies, personal and emotional adjustment, and independent living skills. ARMHS supports clients in improving their ability to live in the community with greater independence. Services Offered Housingcar Inc […]

Personal Care Assistance Services

Personal Care Assistance Services Personal Care Assistance (PCA) services provides assistance and supportfor persons with disabilities living independently in the community. Thisincludes the elderly and others with special health care needs.Every individual has different types and levels of care requirements.Some may only need supervision, while others need constantassistance. Whatever clients need, our personal caregivers can […]

Bridging Referrals Services

Bridging Referrals Services Housingcare Inc may be able to assist you with getting an appointmentthrough Bridging.Bridging provides a basic home setup to those who need most itemsnecessary to create a comfortable and functioning home. Their homeset-up generally includes gently used upholstered furniture, a kitchentable and chairs, a mattress and box spring, linens, dishes, artwork, andmore.For […]

Housing Stabilization Services

Housing Stabilization Services Housing Stabilization Services is a Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities,including mental illness and substance use disorder, and seniors find and keep housing.Housingcare Inc supports people with disabilities to live, work, and play in communities of theirchoice. Various challenges and barriers can make it hard to find housing, budget, interact […]